五月に入り、兜やこいのぼりなど五月人形をいろいろ飾っているのに、これは何ですかとかゲストに聞かれることがなく、その代わり宮崎アニメのフィギィアの写真をみんな撮っていきます。トトロ、もののけ姫、そして千と千尋。昨日来たフランスのジュリアはこれを見て「No Face!」カオナシと言っていたし、タイから来た姉妹も四十代なのですがジブリが大好きとの事。日本の伝統文化とか歴史とか言う前に自分の感性にフィットする感覚の本質を探しに来ている気がします。
guest who comes to our house loves Ghibli animation. Totoro, Princess Mononoke, ℠pirited away.
I feel that everyone is coming to find the essence of a sense that fits their own sensibility, not the traditional culture or history of Japan.
Julia, a waitress, is 22 years old and she speaks English French Norwegian.
Her father is Polish, her mother is Italian, and she is similar to Alyssa who has an Italian dad who came last time, a Finnish mother, and has the same atmosphere as she is looking
for herself . She is very good friends with other guests, is funny and talks a lot, but I think it is different from other people. (Me too)I feel that what they are seeking is becoming more
advanced. Emma, who came from England, said, "I understand that you are making great efforts on the host ..but.".
If people with similar sensitivities come in, they may need some answers, or they may not be able to write a review easily because they are looking for something different, not an explanation of
English skills, temple history or culture . Many things are not yet my own.