うだるほど暑い夏の日にアメリカから予約してきたゲストのプロフィールは何とピアニストでした。ちょっと憂いを含んだまなざしでピアノを弾く彼の写真を見て、クールで気難しいショパンのような人物を想像していた私は、時間通りに現れたカップルを見てびっくり、可愛い童顔のピアニストと元気のよい小柄な奥様だったからです。他の二人のゲストががキャンセルだったので、ゲスト同士の交流に頼ることができず、私は乏しい英語力でピアニストと対決です。好きなピアニストは? Mituko Utida 内田光子!好きな作曲家は? ショスタコーヴィチ。私はわかる単語でわかることしか聞けないので、あとは浴衣を着せ、奥様は室内のみ振袖を着て刀持って二人で絡み合う写真を撮りました。奥様がひょうきんで、刀を持たせると旦那様に切りかかったり、それを受ける旦那様の表情がまた面白くて、夫婦漫才のような写真をたくさん撮ってから、奥様は朝顔の模様の浴衣を着て暑い柴又へ繰り出しました。日差しが強いと奥様はスッと黒いサングラスをかけてポーズ!浴衣にサングラス?!でもその表情があまりに愛くるしくて何も言えません。
It was a sweltering day when a pianist came to my house from USA as a guest. I imaged he was a cool, smart,and a little grumpy man like Shopan,looking at his profile picture of playing piano with sentimentally. I was surprised to see the couple who came on time were a cute baby face pianist and cheerful petite wife.
The other two guests were canceled, so I had to speak in Endlish all the time, and to communicate well with them.
"Who is your favorite pianist ?" "Mituko Uchida" Who is your favorite composer?""Shostakovich"I can only hear what they can undestand wth English words. After wearing Yukata(summer kimono) I took many photos ,but his wife had funny character, tried to cut him with a fake sword . The wife is wearing a yukata with a morning glory pattern after taking a lot of photos like a couple's comic, we went to Shibamata, the temple town. When the sun is strong, his wife wears black sunglasses and poses! Yukata and sunglasses? !! But the expression is so cute that I can't say anything.
暑さを逃れてお店に入り、彼が注文したのはクリーム抹茶かき氷、シロップを全部かけて完食、甘いもの好きでした。ピアニストというより可愛いお兄さんという感じなのですが、やはり小さい時からピアノを練習し続けたとか音楽学校の話とか、今まで来た男性のゲストとは違うタイプでした。でも親しみやすく、息子感覚でかまいながら体験終了、あとでもらったレビューにIncredible experience in a sleepy area. Everyone is nice and helpful. Ikuyo goes above and beyond to make sure your needs are met. 「眠くなるような地域の信じられない体験!」とあって、思わず笑ってしまいました。「眠かったのね、ごめんなさい」
Escaped from the heat and went into the restaurant, what he ordered was a matcha cream shaved ice, and he liked sweets. He looks like a cute older brother than a pianist, but after all he was a type different from the male guests I've ever been to, such as practicing the piano from a young age and talking about a music school.!
" Incredible experience in a sleepy area. Everyone is nice and helpful.Ikuyo goes above and beyond to make sure your needs are met. I couldn't believe it! "It,s his review,
You were sleepy, sorry.