Maria & Maki

 ピンキーとキラーズ(日本のコーラスグループです)のようなポーズをしたMaria Sole(これが名前)は180センチある大柄なイタリア人の女の子で、フィアンセのDanとベルリンに住んでいます。小さい頃からの夢は振袖を着ることで、フィレンツェで日本語勉強し七年前にも一度日本にきたとか、話しかけるとまず笑顔を作る優しい綺麗な彼女の今の髪形はなんとベリーショート!ダンもほぼ坊主(こちらは髪がないとか)、主人が今日はいないので着付けの助っ人さんと180センチの彼女に何を着せるか悩んでいたのですが、この髪型に着物は着せられるのかしら、髪飾りはどうしよう、と私の頭の中はパニックになってしまいました。マリアはバストも豊かなのでとにかく着られるものをと、私の娘の大きいサイズの黒の手描き振袖を着てもらいました。もう一人の女性ゲスト、シンガポールのMAKIちゃんは普通サイズで赤い振袖を選び、ボーイフレンドのゴンザーロは長身なのでいつものトールサイズの着物を着せ、無事着付け終了して、みんなの写真を撮りました。     ゴンちゃんはイタリア人とばかり思っていたら、両親はスペイン人だけどイタリアで育ち、今はMAKIちゃんとロンドンに住んでいるそうで、スペイン語、イタリア語、英語を話すので、私の頭はこんがらがってしまいました。スペイン語とイタリア語は似ていると最近気が付き、スペイン人の友達ブランカやカルメンにスペイン語の文法を教えてもらったことは無駄ではなかったと思うのですが、柴又へ行く電車の中でもいろんな言葉ちゃんぽんにしてみんなで話していて本当に楽しく、異文化交流は必要だとつくづく思いました。


(With a pose like Pinky and the Killers,) Maria Sole  is a 180 cm tall Italian girl who lives in  Berlin, with her fiance,Dan. "My dream since I was little is to wear furisode", studying Japanese in Florence, and came to Japan seven years ago once. And when I talk to her, she always smiles gentiy first. Her beautiful hairstyle is very short! Dan is almost shaved , and I don't have a husband today, so I was wondering what kimono  would I dress to Maria.  Is this hairstyle suitable for a kimono?My head panicked over what kind of hair ornament to put on her hair.Her bust is also rich, so I asked her to wear  my daughter's black hand-painted big furisode. Another female guest, MAKI from Singapore, chose a red kimono with a normal size, and her boyfriend Gonzalo was tall, so I dressed a tall size kimono to him and took a picture for all.
First I thought he was Italian. Although his parents were Spanish but he grew up in Italy and now live in London with MAKI-chan, and he can speak Spanish, Italian and English, so my head was confused. Recently, I realized that Spanish and Italian are similar, and it was not in vain that my Spanish friends Blanca and Carmen taught me Spanish grammar strictly . It was really fun to talk with them, and I realized that cross-cultural exchange was necessary. 
 Maria was dressed in a long-sleeved kimono and was praised by a drunk man as he walked on the temple,s approaching road on "Adult's Day,"They were not twenty but really enjoyed the cerebration of twenty. 


Because it is larger than the standard, it is sometimes difficult to live in various ways for me.
 and  I feel that the nuance of the atmosphere that Maria has is different from Maki-chan. Maria also like Japanese literature,and language .On the other hand, she was a woman with big abilities, talking with Gon-chan who is curious about  languages.
 I bought  grass dumplings, mitarashi dumplings(soy sauce taste) and sweet potato yokan (Dan's request), and went home early to have a tea ceremony, but they were drinking tea seriously while looking at the resume paper.
 At last when Dan and Gon were wearing denim kimono, wearing a belt and a hat and playing with a wooden sword, I was surprised to see Maria wearing a black kimono and a black hat and with a pose like "Pinky and the Killers". It may be possible because Maria has a small face and is tall.How cool she is!


The time I spent with the Marias was irreplaceable. Maria used to have long hair until a while ago, but I think it's so unique and cool because she has very short hair that is now popular in Berlin. I thought that the qualification to wear a kimono was respect and love for the kimono, and their intelligence and dignity.