毎晩早くに寝てしまうので、気になるテレビ番組は録画して早朝見るのですが、ダンサー菅原小春さんと紛争解決仕掛け人伊勢崎賢治さんの対談は面白く、刺激的なものでした。娘がダンスが好きで、いまだたまにレッスンに行っているようですが、ヒップホップやタップダンスのコンサートに私もよく見に行っていました。菅原小春さんはキレのあるエモーショナルなダンサーで最近は三浦大知さんと踊っている動画を見て似たもの?同士のパフォーマンスが圧巻でした。I go to bed early every night, so I record the TV programs I care about and watch it early in the morning, but the conversation between dancer Koharu Sugawara and Kenji Isesaki, a dispute resolution agent, was interesting and exciting. My daughter likes dancing and she seems to go to her lessons sometimes, but I used to go to hip hop and tap dance concerts. Koharu Sugawara is a sharp and emotional dancer, and I saw recently dancing with Daichi Miura.The performance of each other was a masterpiece.
建築を学んだ伊勢崎さんはいろんな経緯を経て、アフリカやアフガニスタンの紛争国で国際平和維持活動をしているのですが、ジャズトランペッターでもあり、東京外語大学大学院で国際関係論を留学生に教えている教授でもあるのです。Mr.Isezaki, who learned architecture is doing international peacekeeping operations
after various process in a dispute country of Africa and Afghanistan, but he is also a jazz trumpeter and the professor who teaches foreign students in international relations in
Tokyo Gaigo University Graduate School.
was a talented dancer since she was small, won many competitions, went abroad, and lectured in more than 30 countries. In that wonderful career, she could not dance for a while. She has no urge
to dance from herself, and she is thinking that she should not dance with an empty feeling. It ’s an artist ’s
problem.そんなとき新鮮に思えたのがダンスをやったこともない家族が何気なく踊る姿や、今までダンスだけに集中して全くやってこなかったこと、車の運転やゴミ出しで、そんな普通のことをみな排除して集中してきたことがぷつんと切れた感覚を初めて味わったのだそうです。She has lived focusing only on dancing, so she had a upset
feelings due to not living the normal life that everyone is doing.
反対に伊勢崎さんは音楽やりたかったけれど食べて行くために色々な仕事をして、世界中の紛争地域を巡りながら死と隣り合わせの日々を送っていてOn the other hand, Mr. Isesaki wanted to do music, but he did various jobs to eat, spending days next to death while going
through conflict areas around the world、苦労して沢山立てたアフリカの小学校の生徒が、少年兵士となって大量の殺戮を指揮するコマンダーになり、自分の国を破壊しつくしている現実を直視した時、その苦しい思いを込めて作った曲を、ライブハウスでトランペットで演奏しています。どうにもならない気持ち。菅原さんとは真逆の立場なのです。He built many
elementary schools in Africa,but his mind was complicated to see one student destroying everything as the comander of many murders.and when he faced the reality of being destroyed all, his thoughts got out of control.To settle down, he composes his feelings and plays the trumpet in a live
house.Feelings that can't be helped. Mr. Sugawara and Mr. Isesaki are in the opposite
become immersive and engrossed in training and training to gain some skill. It's not about wanting to put out what's deep inside you, if you have talent, it may be the most important thing for
human beings to live. Whether you've never been far away or to the end of the earth, you want to perform a performance that impresses many people. I wonder what the heart is, but it was still
necessary to ask myself questions.
intense passion, she says war will continue to occur unless love is lost. "If my dad or mom is killed, I go to kill the murderer.There is no war in a robotic country, but we have a dark
darkness and a light in our mind. "she said.
If there is light, and when it hits, a performance from the heart is born, there is no choice but to continue making stories and it may be necessary to cherish everyday life in order
to not be choked.
村上春樹が自分の中のものを媒介にして物語を紡いで行った時、地下鉄サリン事件が起きて「アンダーグラウンド」というドキュメントを書きましたが、インタビューした60人の被害者の方々にはそれぞれ物語があって、深く感動したのだけれど、オウム真理教の幹部や実行犯の取材をした時の空虚さや感情のない表情と対照的だったといっていました。自分で深く考えることをせず、心を組織(システムに)預けてしまった、ロボットのような人間だからこそ、大量殺人でも何でも命じられればできたのでした。Haruki Murakami wrote a document called "Underground" after interviewing the subway Sarin incident in Japan, and he was deeply moved by the story of each of the 60 victims he interviewed. However, he said that it contrasted with the emptiness and emotionless expression when he interviewed Aum Shinrikyo executives . They were humanoids, like robots, who left their minds (systems) without thinking deeply on their own, and could have done murder or whatever.
about time that various restrictions are lifted and I want to start various things, but I do not know what will happen again. Under these circumstances, things that have not changed are kimonos,
tea utensils, and the existence of Japanese culture that have been sleeping quietly. There were some guests who liked the scent of tea ceremony, flower arrangement, incense.Various
salvation eases everyone's hearts.
Now I really feel that culture is salvation.