二年前の夏に姪のアビーと着物体験に来た女性は、日本の大学に短期留学したこともある知的で魅力的なゲストだったのですが、なんとなく暗い影があって、日本語もわかるから会話も楽なはずなのに、肝心なところがわからないもどかしさをずっと感じていました。アビーは18歳で若いけど無口でぶっきらぼうでそして大きい子で、掃除の仕事をしているといっていたけれど日本語を学習中だそうで、道すがら看板読んだり駅名読んだり、割と楽しそうでした。Two years ago, the woman who came to experience kimono was an intellectual and attractive guest who had studied at a Japanese university for a short time. But she had some dark shadow and she could speak Japanese but I was always frustrated that I could not understand her mind. Her niece, Abbey, was 18 years old, she was silent, blunt, and a big body, and she was working on cleaning, but she was learning Japanese, and she seemed to enjoy reading signboards and station names along the way.
帰ってきて浴衣脱ぎながら「私はネイティブアメリカンです」と日本語で言ったのですが、私にはその意味もそれを言った彼女の意図もわからないまま、二年が経ちました。そして今この世界情勢の中で、彼女はどうしているかしらと気になっているのですが、連絡はつきません。ただ私の中でネイティブアメリカンという言葉は深く残っていて、折りに触れて調べてファイルしておきましたが、その当時はたくさんゲストが来ていたこともあって、それ以上の考えを持つまでには至りませんでした。When she returned my house, she said in Japanese, "I'm a Native American," but two years went by without knowing what it meant or her intention to say it. And now, in this world situation, I'm wondering what she's doing, but I can't get in touch. However, the word Native American remains deeply in me, and I searched about it and filed it, but I didn't think anymore because there were many guests at that time.
そして今の情勢、現実の中で彼女たちはどう暮らしているかと思って、ファイルを開いて読んだ時、虐げられながら語っていた彼らの真実はこれから生きていく上での優れた指針だったのに気が付いています。第一に自然に存在するあらゆるものに対する畏敬の念、おおきな形でのグレートスピリット(創造主という概念が最も近い)がこの世界に存在し、それが形を変えたものの一つが大地であり、もう一つが木であり草であり岩や木であり、空や星であり、動物であり、ヒトであるという考え方が大きな根底にあるというのです。あらゆるものはグレートスピリットとつながっていて、グレートスピリットそのまま何なのです。ネイティブアメリカンの世界観は、西洋で言う神、もしくは創造主という概念も含め、全てが同じなので、自分や自分の子を見るように、ヒト以外の動物、岩や山、川を見て、友人に接するように昆虫や山や空と接する、そしてそれらはすべて自分の同胞なのです。And when I was thinking about how they live in the current situation, I opened the file and read about Native American again, and I understood their truths that were being oppressed were excellent for living now. First of all, awe of everything that exists in nature, the Great Spirit in its large form (closest to the concept of the Creator) exists in this world, and one of the things that transformed it is the Earth, The idea that one is a tree, a grass, a rock, a sky, a star, an animal, and a human is at the core of the idea. Everything is connected to the Great Spirit, what the Great Spirit is. The Native American worldview is the same, including the concept of a god or creator in the Western world, so you look at animals other than humans, rocks, mountains, and rivers, just as you see yourself and your children. You touch insects, mountains, and the sky as you touch them, and they are all your compatriots.
コロンブスが北米大陸を発見してから先住民の悲劇ははじまり、その後数百年に渡り、イギリス、フランス、スペイン、スウェーデン、ロシアなどがこぞってこの地に足を踏み入れ、先住民から強奪、強姦、虐殺などあらゆる考えつく非道の限りを尽くし侵略・征服・植民地化したのでした。銃などの武器を持たない、そして部族間の連携など組織的な動きをしない先住民はヨーロッパの圧倒的な力の前になすすべはなかったし、さらにこの時ヨーロッパ人が持ち込んだ伝染病により、先住民は大量に死滅したともいわれています。The tragedy of the indigenous peoples began after Columbus discovered the continent of North America, and over the next hundreds of years, Britain, France, Spain, Sweden, Russia, etc. all set foot in the land, robbing, rape, and slaughtering indigenous people. They invaded, conquered, and colonized as much as he could think of. The indigenous people who did not have weapons such as guns and did not make systematic movements such as cooperation among tribes had no way to do before the overwhelming power of Europe, and due to the infectious disease brought by Europeans at that time, a large number of indigenous people died.
addition, Native Americans take the concept of Ancestor very importantly, just as people of other countries do. It is because the ancestors created ourselves now, and although there are
colloquial words, they do not have letters as sentences, but there is also the aspect that historical characters are twisted and bent by letters to create history. In order to convey the
importance of ancestors in colloquialism, we must have strength in words. You have to carry as many souls as there are words. That is why we speak about the importance of our ancestors in words
spoken by humans, rather than relying on letters. Words spoken by humans are more powerful than letters. It is equal to Japanese Kotodama. If you understand this, you can understand that they
have their behavior and that they have something of awe in
I was asked what I could understand in a short contact time of four hours, my thinking without knowledge and English ability is in a narrow narrow range. But apparently they are eggs, eggs that
have been smashed and squashed on high walls many times. I feel a strong bond with the girls who came to my house and wore yukata and walked around Shibamata.
Maybe I'll never see them again, but I want to based on the hints given by the guests who have come so far. I have seen many moments when a kimono and a living soul touch each other. There
was a lot of stories in it that would change my life.Now I think the time has come to make something.