二年前の寒い冬にカナダから若いカップルが着物体験にやってきました。学生結婚して二人で一か月日本を回るとのこと、髭もじゃで優しい目をした彼と眼鏡美人の彼女は共に高身長で、LLサイズの紬のアンサンブルとグレイにピンクの模様の小振袖の着物を着せて、柴又に出かけました。雪が降りそうな天気で、マフラーして厚手の着物コート着て、鼻を赤くして歩く彼らに、私が「寒いでしょう?」と聞くと「カナダの方が寒いから」と答えていました。彼らは静かなカップルで、特に彼氏は無口だからどう気持ちをほぐしたらいいかと思いながら、私はいつもの質問を重ねていきます。「兄弟はいますか?」「何年生まれ(干支)?」「あなたは猫派?犬派?」「お母さんのお歳はいくつ?」ほかに人が聞いたら脈絡もない、しょうもない質問と思われるのですが、私はその答えの中からいつもいろいろ手掛かりを見つけようと模索しています。Two years ago, a young couple from Canada came to my Kimono experience for a cold winter. They were married as a student and were traveling around Japan for a month.He, who has gentle eyes with a beard, and she, who has beautiful glasses, were both tall and I dressed them a LL size nice kimono and went to Shibamata together. It's a cold day when it's likely to snow, so I asked, "Is it cold?", they said, "We're okay because Canada is colder." I asked them some usual questions to make them relax because they are so quiet. "Do you have any siblings?" "What is your birth animal (Zodiac)?" "Are you a cat person or a dog person?" "How old is your mother?" However, I was always trying to find various clues from the answers.
he walked, he suddenly said, “My mother died when I was a teenager, and now I have a French stepmother.” “My husband is the same. Immediately after his mother died when he was 20, his stepmother
came..." "I smoke from my teen," "My husband has smoked since he was 17! It's bad for health."
He had a similar experience as my husband. I couldn't fully understand the conversation with them but I was able to spend time with them comfortably, and while I was talking with them about
Buddhism and Christianity while watching Buddhist sculptures in Taishaku-temple's main hall. He talked about the discomfort he had when he was at a Christian school, and I talked a little about
私は向かい合う友達より、同じ方向を見続けていられる友達がいてほしいといつも強く思っています。いつから付き合っているとか(恋人みたいだけれど)いう問題ではなく、今から付き合ったとしても同じ方向を見ていて同じ感覚なら一緒に歩いていき助けあいながら何かを見つけていきたいと思うのです。一緒にいることより、何かを見つけていきたいことを優先してしまう私の在りようは良くない性癖だと悲しくなることも度々ありました。でもこの仕事をするようになってわかったのは、一回しか会えない外国人のゲストでも同じ方向見ていると分かる人がいて、ずっと大事な人として私の中に深く残ります。 I always want more friends to keep looking in the same direction than my friends to face each other. It's not a matter of how long you've been dating (like a lover), but even if you're dating from now on, if you look at the same direction and feel the same, I would like to walk together and help each other to find something. I was often sad when I had a bad habit of prioritizing the things I wanted to find rather than being together. However, what I found when I started doing this job was that some foreign guests, whom I could only meet once, knew that they were looking in the same direction, and it remains deeply in me as an important person.
この日来てくれたゲストたちとは、それ以上突っ込んだ話はせず、後はティーセレモニーして着物プレゼントして淡々と別れましたが、翌日うちの玄関に、カナダのメープルシロップキャンディがそっと置いてあり、彼らが少し食べたものだったからあえて呼び鈴は鳴らさず、あとでメールが来て感謝の気持ちとしてプレゼントしたいとありました。その空き箱を今も大事に取ってあるのですが、彼らとわかり合えたキーワードは「継母」でした。この言葉が彼の心と夫の心に呼び起こす何かに、私が反応したのです。After having a tea ceremony and giving a kimono as a gift, they went home, but the next day, they put a maple candy from their present at the front door of my house. I still take good care of the empty candy box, but the keyword that I understood with them was "stepmother". I responded to something this word evoked in his heart and his husband's.
だから、世界中どこだって、私達が生きていることの原理というものはそんなに変わりはしない。だからこそ、我々は場所や人種や言葉の違いを超えて、物語を同じような気持ちで共有することが出来るわけなのです。Every human being searches for something important in this lifetime, but few can find it. And even if you're lucky enough to find it, what's actually found is often deadly damaged. Nevertheless, we must continue to search for it, or the living meaning itself will be lost.
So no matter where in the world we are, the principles of our lives remain that same. That is why we can share stories in the same way, regardless of location, race or language.
コロナウィルスによる世界の混乱で、今この時に起こっていることはすべて意味があります。 経済活動を再開するために何をすべきか、何を考慮すべきか。 シンプルに、シンプルに考え、私たちは目の前で起こっていることについて誠実に行動していかなければなりません。 自粛生活は終わりを迎え、元の生活は徐々に戻ってきていますが、だからと言って今までと同じことはできないのです。私たちにとって最も重要なことは何か?それがわからなければ、私達は淘汰されてしまうのでしょう。
But all that is happening at this time of the world's turmoil in Corona is all meaningful. What should be done and what should be considered in order to resume economic activity. Simple, just simple, we act sincerely about what's happening in front of us. Although the self-restraining life has come to an end and the original life is gradually returning, we can not do the same as before, we will think about everything by ourselves and proceed. What is most important to us?