高校生の頃、なぜかゴスペルが好きになり、駅前にあった小さなレコード屋さんに通って、マヘリア・ジャクソンのレコードを探して買い、「主の祈り」「ジェリコの戦い」「深い河」「サマータイム」など好んで聞いていました。このところ、混乱の時代に川を渡るということの意味を考えて居た時、ふと”深い河”という言葉が頭に浮かび、”マヘリア・ジャクソンのことを思い出して、久しぶりにユーチューブで彼女の歌を聴きました。昔はLPレコードの時代でしたが、何回も聞いていたので、彼女の息継ぎや単語の発音などいまだ覚えていて、あの時何でこんなに好きでだったのかと思ったのですが、あれから四十年たって聞いてみて、彼女の深いクリアな声と共に、やはり歌詞が強く入ってきていたことに気が付きました。When I was a high school student, I fell in love with gospel for some reason, and I went to a small record shop in front of the station to search for and buy a record by Mahalia Jackson. My favorite songs are "Prayer of the Lord" "Battle of Jericho" "Deep River" "Summertime" . Recently, when I was thinking about" crossing a river in times of confusion," the word "deep river" suddenly came to my mind, remembering "Mahalia Jackson," and after a long time, I listened on YouTube. I used to be an LP record era, but I listened to it many times, so I still remember her breathing and pronunciation of words, and I wondered what I liked so much at that time. However, when I listened to it 40 years later, I realized that the lyrics were coming in strongly with her deep and clear voice.
Deep River home is over Jordan,
Deep River, Lord I want to cross over into campground.
Oh don't you want to go to that gospel feast,
That promis'd land where all is peace?
Deep Rever, Lord I want to cross over into campground.
あの頃と今と大きく違うのは、700人の外国のゲストを迎え、着物を着せ、ティーセレモニーをし、お寺を散策した体験の実感です。いろんな国からいろいろな肌の色のゲストが来ました。私は何も考えず、ひたすら綺麗に着せることに没頭し、体重が100㌔以上だろうが、身長が2mだろうが、とにかく頑張りました。いろいろな想いや差別や民族間の軋轢もありましたが、着物をまず着せることに集中していた私にとって、ゲストとの気持ちの間の深い河はなかった。そしてみんな、みんな綺麗でした。私はそれで幸せでした。The big difference from that time is the experience of welcoming 700 foreign guests, dressing in kimono, having a tea ceremony, and taking a walk through the temple. Guests with various skin colors came from various countries. I didn't think about anything, I was absorbed in dressing cleanly, and whether it weighed 100 kg or more or was 2 m tall, I did my best. There were various feelings, discrimination, and conflicts between ethnic groups, but for me, who was concentrated on putting on kimono, there was no deep river between my feelings with the guests. And everyone was beautiful. I was happy with that.
そして今、未曽有の地球の転換期を迎えているのですが、今、私の前に深い河がある気がしています。地球上の誰も逃れようのない深い長い河、いくら待っても救いはない、誰かにすがろうと思ってみてもみな顔がない、人に近寄れない集えない、なんでだろうと考えた時、私たちの前にある深い河は、私たちの存在そのものだと気が付きました。人種差別や、民族間の闘争、宗教戦争は今まで絶え間なく続き、人と人が憎み合うのは日常茶飯事でした。それこそ2000年以上続いてきたことかもしれません。しかし今度の闘争は、自分の中に在る自分となのです。これから先どうやって生きていけばいいのか、仕事はどうするか。みんな悩んでいます。でもすべての人間の前にある深い河を自分で越えなければ、なにもできないし、生きていけません。And now, the unprecedented turning point of the earth is approaching, and now I feel that there is a deep river in front of me. A deep long river that no one on the planet can escape, no matter how long we wait, there is no salvation,we can not get close to people, we can not gather. We realized that the deep river in front of us was our very existence. Racism, conflicts between ethnic groups, and religious wars have been endless until now, and it was a daily occurrence that people hate each other. That may have been for more than 2000 years. But the next struggle is with myself within myself. How do you live from now on, what do you do for your work? Everyone is worried. But without crossing the deep river in front of all humans, nothing can be done and one cannot live.
私の住んでいる区は川に囲まれた下町で、都心に出るにも幾つもの川を渡っていくし、母が生きていた時入居していた施設も川沿いに自転車を走らせて行ったし、子供の頃の写生も川を書くことが多かったのです。川は私のそばにいつもありました。でも今目の前にある河は見たこともないような色をした深い河です。世界中に通じる深い河です。今私たちは何をしなければならないのか。The ward I live in is a downtown surrounded by rivers, and I crossed several rivers to get to the center of the city. The river was always by me. But the river in front of me is a deep river with a color I have never seen. It is a deep river that leads to the world. What should we do now?
It may be to prepare for what you can do and what you want to do. If you can cross deep rivers, you will be able to understand the essence of the times through the original way that only you can walk. What are we living for? My mission today is that each mission is to clarify our path and keep preparing to cross the river. I still didn't quite understand the meaning of Kazuo Ishiguro's novel, but I spent a long time preparing and writing various works to cross the deep river in him.
現実的な話ですが、義母の弟さんの会社じまいに、夫を含め夫の友人や彼の知り合いの会社社長、弁護士、会計士の方々が暑い中いろいろ奔走しているのに、89歳で認知症傾向の出てきたご本人は大事なことをみんな忘れ、自分の仕事への未練がつのり、みんなに迷惑をかけているので、義理のおじとはいえあまりに迷惑かけているのを夫が謝ると、友人の方はどんな小さな大変な仕事でも一生懸命やっていると、新たな人脈が出来てくると言っていると聞いて、これぞ深い河を渡るための準備なのだなあと思いました。In reality, in order to shut down the company of my mother-in-low's brother, my husband's friends, including my husband, and the company presidents, lawyers, and accountants with whom he knows are working hard.89-year-old uncle, his uncle, who had a tendency toward dementia, forgot all the important things and was inconvenienced by his work, which bothered everyone. My husband apologized for everyone but his friend said that no matter how small or cumbersome it may be, if we work hard, we can reconnect with new people.
I thought that this was the preparation for crossing a deep river.
8月15日に日本で働いているフィリピンのヤングカップルが着物体験に来ると予約してきました。義父が残した立派な治療室や待合室を着物に使っていましたが、テナントのオファーが決まらず中を壊さなくてよかったと今思っています。この家を守りながら着物体験を続けることが、私にとって深い河を渡ることの意味なのかもしれません。On August 15th, a young Filipino couple working in Japan booked for a kimono experience. I have used the splendid examination room and waiting room left by my father-in-law for the kimono experience, but now I'm glad I didn't break the inside because the tenant's offer wasn't decided. For me, it may be the meaning of crossing a deep river to continue the kimono experience while protecting this house.